Hysab Kytab is a technology company that provides digital solutions through a suite of financial management and consumer products.
Hysab Kytab consumer app is a user-friendly mobile app that offers a platform to manage an individuals’ financial activities. It encapsulates the individual’s spending, saving and budgeting information and produces a 360-degree view which enables them to always stay on top of their finances. Hysab Kytab’s consumer app has over 640,000+ users from over 160 countries, who have clocked 12 Million+ transactions in Hysab Kytab.
Hysab Kytab PFM is a white-labeled personal finance management solution, which is a fully customizable and secure wealth management product. It can seamlessly integrate into bank’s existing core banking applications and helps banks maximize and optimize their revenues per branch, per customer and sell more products to more customers many times.